PAN Amsterdam 2017

PAN Amsterdam 2017

Exhibition ‘De Stijl 1917-2017’
Curator: Ad van den Bruinhorst

Bart van der Leck
Gerrit Rietveld
Piet Zwart
Joost Baljeu
Elmar Berkovich
Jaap Egmond

A presentation in which we celebrated the centennial of the Dutch aesthetic movement ‘De Stijl’

Bart van der Leck

Joost Baljeu

Gerrit Th. Rietveld

Gerrit Th. Rietveld

Willem H. Gispen

Dutch Modernism; a sofa manufactured by ‘d3’ from Rotterdam and an easy-chair manufactured by ‘De Circel’ from Amsterdam.

A few hours after closing time….

On behalf of our family team we want to thank you for your visit and your warm interest. We hope to see you again in November next year here in Amsterdam or in our gallery in Kampen.
